Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Ms. Australia, Other Facts of Surveillance

I think I'm alone, a stranger in a new city, but then everyone I knew but didn't talk to much in high school is coming out of this bar where there was some reunion thing. Crammed in a hallway, bad posture as usual.

I discover that a large earthworks statue has been made, modeled after my childhood friend Tess. It is in Australia. It is made of shrubbery and mountains. She is standing above the country like their Statue of LIberty. Her left hand is held up to the side of her face in order to keep the morning sun out of her eyes.

Robin Pollens shows up in my parent's backyard during a party. She seems miffed that she was not invited. I offer her a package of soy sausage as a consolation. She accepts.

I walk far away, out into a field. I am smoking cigarettes with Eric Sabatino. The sky is a camera and everyone can see us.

1 comment:

  1. You know, these are superb pieces of writing in themselves--try not referring to them as dreams (even if they are) and see how they change.
    You have a very special gift--it reminds me of David Foster Wallace--of using the language the way it really is used in this time. This is extremely rare, in spite of all the short stories one sees with that "regular person" voice. This is something very different. Franz
